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Eva Bunnell photoHere we are at one of the most beautiful seasons of the year! Autumn and its beauty can help us feel better that 2021 is nearly at an end.

For most, the year can go by in the blink of an eye. However, for those -right in our own communities- who live in constant fear of domestic violence, the days can be endlessly painful.

With you, we cannot tolerate the knowledge that anyone, of any age, is suffering in such a way. Also with you, we believe that domestic violence and the trauma it imparts is preventable. This belief is what inspired our founder, Michael Bolton, and continues to drive our commitment here at The Michael Bolton Charities to dedicate our time, knowledge, talent, and resources to programs and interventions that can provide comfort, shelter, and a hopeful future free of violence.

As you will learn in this Autumn Newsletter, we have new ways in which you can help support our work so we can continue bringing the most hopeful and helpful programs to light and assist even more individuals. I hope you will consider being a member of our Legacy Society program or support our work by any of the other effortless, but powerfully impactful ways   in which to give.

It is so heartening to know there are people like you in this world, who are willing to lend your support and your voice to our mission to end domestic violence. You have our ongoing commitment to inform you of how your support is helping more homes to be the sanctuaries they should be for children, youth, and women at-risk.

Wishing you the absolute best of the Autumn season.

Warm regards,

Eva Bunnell, President, Board of Directors